There is an emergency Number that you can dial anywhere throughout Europe . The Number is 112 (It was set up to make it easier for tourists to summon help in an emergency anywhere in the 1991) It puts you through to the emergency services in that country, also if you're using a mobile phone whilst in the E.U. you can dial 999 and your call will be automatically be redirected to 112.
If you require medical attention/advice fast but it's not an emergecy the No. to call is 111. It's a NHS No. to make it easier to acess local health services.
For immediate, life-threatening emergencies continue to call 999
111 is a fast and easy way to get help wherever you are and whatever the time. You can call the 111 No. 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a Yr.
(calls from landlines & mobiles are free)
111 will get you through to a team of highly trained advisers, who are supported by experienced nurses. They will ask you question to assess your symptoms.
You will be assessed, given advice and directed straightaway to the local service that can help you the best. That could be A&E, an Urgent Care Centre, or Minor Injuries Unit, an out of hours G.P. community nurse, emergency dentist, or a late opening pharmacist.
If the 111 advisers think that you need an ambulance, they will immediately arrange for one to be sent to you.
In an emergency Contact; The Minor Accident Unit at Leek & Moorlands Hospital ,The walk in centre at the Haywood Hospital Burslem, or Stafford St Hanley.
Or to contact the N.H.S. North Staffs. (Email address; -
WERRINGTON Community Volunteers
Werrington Community Volunteers have a varity of 400 trees (aproximitly 1ft high at the moment) to give away. Consisting of anything from oak trees to fruit trees. If you are interested in one, contact Tony McNicol via the email fasility on this web site with your contact details.
If you feel that you have been caught up in any kind of fraud or scam (Communaly known as Boiler Room Scams), the best people to contact is not the Police but 'Action Fraud' the U.K.'s national fraud & internet crime-reporting centre on 0300 123 204
The Non-Emergency No. to report an incident to the Police that does not require an immediate response call 101 (If you need immediate response dial 999). If you whish to contact one of the Police Officers for the Werrington area the No. is 0300-123-4455, & then when prompted enter the officers collar No. (If it is a four digit No. put a zero "0" in front of it) ie. P.C.S.O. Ashley Goodwin - 08872.
Werrington Parish Council
Meet the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Function Room at Werrington Village Hall
Chair- Mr. Ken Griffiths
Vice Chair - Mr. Tony McNicol
Clerk - Mrs Zoe Grindley 07775 328903
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Werrington Library & Wellbeing Centre
Tel: (01782) 302706
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Opening Hours
Monday: 1.00pm - 6.00pm
Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 1.00pm
Sunday: Closed
Access & Facilities
Car Parking
Disabled car parking available adjacent to Library
Level approach to building
Ramped and stepped access to main entrance. Accessible to all users
Accessible toilet and baby changing facilities available
Werrington Village Hall
358, Ashbank Road , Werrington, Staffs Moorlands ST9 0JS.
Tel 01782 304678
Booking Secretary - Derick Fielding - 01782 303093