Werrington 2000 Bowling Club
Green: Playing fields off Meigh Road
Contact:Tony McNicol - 01782 - 304194
Scout & Guide Organisation
Meet in the Clarkson Scout & Guide Hall, Bridle Path.
Explorer Leader: Chris Breeze
Scout Leader: Barry Walker
Cubs Leader: Ceris Mellor
Beavers Leader: Jenny Walker
Guides Leader: Sue Cooke
Brownies: Sarah Luby
Rainbows: Miss. Margaret Bowran
Girls Brigade
Girls Captain: Mrs. Marie Degg
Contact: Marie Degg- (01782) 303114
Womens Institute
Meet on the 1st Monday of each month at the Village Hall.
Contact: Kath Bowyers - (01782) 303575
50+ Club
Meet at Werrington Village Hall.
Mother and Toddler Group
Meet at Werrington Methodist Church.
Contact: Mrs. Sue Cooke 01782 304120
Meet at Werrington Village Hall.
Contact: J