You will find excellent information and a detailed guide on the link above to the whole of the Ash llHall Estate


Millennium Garden Histor The big stone by the allotments is there to celebrate the Millennium (Not a remembrance stone as some people call it).

At the start of the Millennium the parish Council decided to do something to celebrate it.
So we decided to have a monument built with a clock incorporated showing the time & temperature to remember the millennium, with a plaque to remember all those that have lost their lives serving their country, not just the armed services but including Police men & Fire men etc. with the inscription, ‘This Millennium Garden is dedicated to those who served their country, (John Ashley & myself decided on the actual wording), but it kept being vandalised & costing the council a lot of money to repair it so we had to have it removed.

We didn't know what to replace it with, then a councillor came up with the idea of a large stone that could not be vandalised very easily, so we organised to have the stone that is there now delivered & installed & the plaque transfered.          Tony McNicol

Werrington Bowling Club In 1999 The P.C were asked if we could provide a Bowling Club for people in Werrington. We looked into it & decided yes we could possibly afford to provide a club, but we could not afford to maintain it (because that is where the real expense is in a bowling club). they asked the Council if we would help them to provide a club they would maintain it.

We told them that we would give them the use of a piece of land on the P.F. Free of charge & gave them £5000 to start if off, but explained to them that they would have to look after it themselves, which they agreed to do .

I suggested that we should charge them a peppercorn rate for it, if we didn't, after 15 or 20yrs they could say that we had given them the land, we would probably have to prove that we didn't, but by charging them a peppercorn rent we could always prove that the land belonged to the P.C. So we decided on £10 as a peppercorn rent.